We must hold high the banner of independence dreamed about Isatai and Makhambet. It is our duty to future generations. When we talk about Makhambet, one can not forget his faithful friend and companion Isatai. These are real homeland patriots who loved his people and the earth.
N. Nazarbayev
Life and art
Makhambet Otemisuly - the great Kazakh poet, Batyr, who played an important role in the development of Kazakh literature of the nineteenth century. Nature has generously awarded him the talent of the composer, virtuoso performer kyuyev, fiery orator and poet.
M. Utemisov born in Bukeyev Horde in the territory of Western Kazakhstan. The father of the poet Utemisov was among the most influential people close to Khan environment Bukeyev hordes Zhangir.
Mahambet received comprehensive Islamic education, good command of the Russian language and a diploma. Knowledge of the Qur'an and the diplomatic language of the census, prompting Khan Zhangir Mahambet entrust the upbringing of his son Zulkaynara.
In 1824 it sends Mahambet with his son in Orenburg. About 6 years as an educator Khan's heir poet lived in Orenburg. Later, the relationship between Khan and Zhangir Mahambet became strained, and then there was a gap.
In the spring of 1829 when trying to leave the Urals, he was caught and imprisoned in the fortress Kalmykovskuyu. There Mahambet composed kui "window grating". Soon after he escaped from prison.
Makhambet with Isatai defended the interests of the disadvantaged, but not the ruling class to make concessions. This led to a new, more organized mass protests of peasants in 1836-1837 gg.
Historian AF Ryazanov wrote: "Makhambet was the soul of the insurrection, had Russian and Tatar diploma, wrote an appeal for the Horde, the message Zhangir Khan and the Russian government on behalf of the people and Isatai. He traveled the auls, agitating, raising the people against Zhangir first pushed Isatai the path of resolute armed struggle. "
Even after the revolt was defeated, killed its leader Isatai Taimanov, Makhambet not stop the fight. But all his attempts once again to raise the people against the khans and sultans fails. Royal officials, Kazakh rulers governing the steppe edge, hatching a plan dastardly assassination of the rebel poet.
The artistic heritage of Makhambet - about a hundred poems. As you know, he did not write his poems. Akyns Sherniyaz, Becket, Murat and Lukpan preserved Mahambet poetic heritage for future generations.
Makhambet Poems are in programmed works by determining the aims and objectives of the rebels. In his remarkable improvisations created images of people's defenders - including the heroic image Isatai Taimanov as a peasant uprising leader.
According to the Russian writer-scientist E.Kovalevskogo (1811-1868), met with Utemisov during the itinerary of the Kazakh steppe, it is different manly character, integrity, eloquence.
Kovalevsky writes: "I saw it as the heroic nature of the warehouse, a true patriot, passionately seeking soul and great charm." Makhambet otemisuly also recognized as the author of numerous songs, as a talented kuishi-dombra player.
The poems of the poet not just been translated into Russian and repeatedly published in separate collections.
Makhambet's poetry is still considered difficult transferred.
Makhambet Otemisuly as a rebel poet was raised to life-giving traditions of heroic poems. He truly loved his people and enthusiastically sang the dreams of the freedom of the people. His realistic poems imbued with the spirit of the time, prompted by the class struggle of the common people. His freedom-loving verses were transmitted, transferred, and will be transmitted to descendants, inspiring and spiritualizing their lives.