
On October 18, 2024, a literary evening "Abdizhamil Nurpeisov adebi alemi" was held in the reading room of pedagogy, culture and art, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the people's writer, Hero of Labor of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize, recognized master of Kazakh literature Abdizhamil Nurpeisov. The event was organized by 3rd year students of the educational program of the Kazakh language and literature in cooperation with the curator of the group Shayekenov Zhangeldi Zhumakayuly. Students of the faculties of philology and pedagogy also took part in the event.

The purpose of the evening was to acquaint readers with the life and work of Abdizhamil Nurpeisov, as well as to deepen their understanding of the content of his works. The evening began with a video dedicated to the life of the writer. Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences Shayekenov Zhangeldi Zhumakaiuly spoke in detail about the life and work of the writer.

A first-year student of the TMI-11 group, Boranbai Sultan, performed the Kazakh folk musical pieces "Balbyrauyn" and "Adai". A student of the KTA-41 group, Samat Balnur, expressively read an excerpt from the work "Blood and Sweat". Then a third-year student of the KTA program, Imanbaeva Arailym, emotionally read a poem by Zhursin Erman dedicated to the writer, "Abdizhemil Nurpeysovka". A first-year student of the BBB group, specializing in "Information Technology and Software", Temirtorina Ayaulym, performed the song "Atameken" (Motherland).

At the end of the evening, the librarian of the scientific library Gulsara Kenzhaevna conducted a bibliographic review of the book exhibition "Tengizdey tolkygan kalamger", dedicated to the writer's work, and expressed gratitude to the teachers and students.

The works of the writer, who during his long life survived hunger, war and repression, reflect the difficult moments of the history of his people through vivid artistic images. The work of Abdizhamil Nurpeisov will continue to serve for future generations, maintaining the memory of difficult moments in the history of the Kazakh people.