
As part of the "Popularization of Science" project, a meeting with Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, "Best Teacher of 2024" Nurgalieva Agila Mustakhimovna was held within the walls of the scientific library. Agila Mustakhimovna Nurgalieva graduated from the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Institute named after K.D. Ushinsky, specializing in teaching history, social science and English. Then she studied in graduate school at the Department of History of the USSR of the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abay, after graduating from which, in January 1977, she began working at the Ural Pedagogical Institute as a teacher of the Department of General History, senior teacher, associate professor, head of the department. In 1982, at the Institute of History named after Ch. Valikhanov of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR defended her candidate's dissertation on the topic "History of the emergence and development of the aluminum industry of the Kazakh SSR (1955-1875)", and in 1989 by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission she was awarded the title of associate professor of the Department of History of the USSR and General History. In 2010, she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Islam in the history and culture of Kazakh society of the 18th - early 20th centuries". Agila Mustakhimovna is actively engaged in research work, participates in scientific conferences, both within the university and at the national and international levels. She has more than 120 scientific and educational-methodical publications on the history of Islam in Kazakhstan, interfaith relations, problems of teaching oriental studies, local history, including in English. In scientific research, the fruitfulness of using various conceptual theories, categories and concepts to describe the features of the cultural self-identification of the Kazakh society, the problems of the confessional policy of the state has been proven. The methodological works are distinguished by the novelty of the described author's teaching methods.

During the meeting, Agila Mustakhimovna told about herself, about her library, about scientific achievements, shared her experience on how to publish scientific articles in foreign journals. The meeting was interesting, rich, young teachers, graduate students, students received answers to their questions and topics of interest. After the event, grateful students, graduate students, and the staff of the scientific library presented flowers.